Thursday, June 3, 2010

Personal art collections of vibrant souls

The art show at the Tweed and Area Heritage Centre Memorial Hall is very exciting and warrants a view from every art lover in the area and beyond! The show is now open and runs until June 29th But the Reception is this Saturday June 5th from 2 to 4 pm and everyone is welcome to meet the artists and view their work. Laszlo Szilvassy has used all mediums throughout his art-filled career. One can view the wall of the Royal Bank in downtown Toronto to see the quality of his workmanship. Here we can view the photos of that work and of him doing the work. His personal collection which he is sharing with us for this show has rendered his home very bare. Paintings, models in wood, metals and soapstone for commissioned projects completed, photograghs of numerous famous people who were his subjects and finished works in bronze, and silver and stainless steel. This is a show not to miss.

Not only do we have Laszlo but Winifred-Mary Gutsell has delivered a number of her paintings which show us the vitality of her amazing spirit. She has just turned 92 and has many more things she wants to paint. A special one for the annual native show, if she can just find the right research material for it, is what is most pressing on her mind. We should have had a show for Winie's paintings alone and another for just Roberta's. That is, Roberta Fisk, another prolific artist who is well known in Tweed and Roslin and Belleville. She also is 93 and still able to produce work and encourage her group in Roslin to press on. Her work is also quite lovely and her humour and good spirit are a joy to behold and to try to emulate in my coming years.

I'm lookig forward to the children's choir at the Actinolite Arts Centre

The Madoc Festival is looming large and that calls for some painting time of my own. June 20th & 21st are the dates.